News Опубликовано 15 сентября, 2014 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 сентября, 2014 Hi, The 2014 edition of the Scandinavian Activity Contest is about to hit radios everywhere. The neighbor nations of the North are emerging from their huts to prepare for their annual fluttery "Polar Battle," before they settle in for a freezing wintertime. Together with 1000+ stations in each part, we thus warmly welcome your participation on 80m-10m as follows: * CW: 20-21 September, 12z-12z * SSB: 11-12 October, 12z-12z Along with updated rules, we have introduced a sponsored plaque program. The plaques include regional offerings and novelties such as plaques for "Best Accuracy." * Results booklet from SAC 2013, including an analysis by OH2BH: * Updated rules, including new assisted categories: * New sponsored plaques: * Learn about propagation to Scandinavia: * Announce your activity and challenge your friends: 73 & CU! SM5AJV, LB1GB, OH6KZP, OZ3ABE SAC Contest Committee P.S. SAC aftermath: The Contest Club Finland & OHDXF Ferry Cruise Meeting is coming up on 30.1.-1.2.2015. Stay tuned: Web: Facebook: E-mail: Читать дальше Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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