News Опубликовано 29 января, 2021 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 29 января, 2021 Hello UCC! Сегодня: The 2021 CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest CW: 2200Z January 29 to 2200Z January 31 Rules Single operator stations may only operate 30 out of the 48 hours. Multi-Operator stations may operate 40 hours. IX. CLUB COMPETITION: Any club that submits at least three logs may enter the Club Competition. The name of the club must be clearly identified under club competition on the summary sheet, or summary portion of the Cabrillo log. Please make sure all entrants from your club use the same club name (spelled the same) in the Cabrillo entry. Non-compliance with this request may result in your score not being credited to your club’s entry. Всем успехов! UCC - ПОБЕДА! -- 73! ut8im Читать дальше Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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