UR5FIL Опубликовано 3 января, 2020 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 3 января, 2020 C Новым годом, друзья! Убрал год из названия темы (чтобы потом не переписывать в 2021...))) MRD - 14 апреля. Предыдущие здесь. Сегодня в FB опубликовали видео радиорубки судна m/v Creda/ELCT4, проходящего Суэцкий канал. Лампы какие!!! ))) UR5FEO 1 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
UR5FIL Опубликовано 11 апреля, 2020 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 11 апреля, 2020 MRD 2020 C 1200 GMT 14/4/2020по 2200 GMT 15/4/2020 Rules and procedures: Rules, Procedure and Certificate of participationAll traffic must to be done around the following International Naval Frequencies on Amateur Radio Bands (morse code)1824 kHz3520 kHz7020 kHz10118 kHz14052 kHz21052 kHz28052 kHzThe Main working frequency is 14052 kHz plus or minus some kc/s. The WARC bands are NOT USED for MRD with exception of 30 meters band.SPECIAL ADVISE FOR DX MRD STATIONS:To give everyone a fair chance of having a QSO during the MRD, and because 14052 kHz is the most common calling frequency, it is suggested that we have a small band edge from 14055 to 14058 kHz for DX and QRP stations. It is also suggested that instead of calling CQ in “Contest Mode”, we give adequate time for weaker stations to be heard and listen expecially for DX contacts.So please use the band suggested as watching band reserved to radio stations in far distances.– Date: 14th April 12.00 GMT 15th April 22.00 GMT– Bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30 m, 20m, 15m & 10m– Mode: CW only– Power: not limited– QSO: Exchange QSA, QRK, name, callsign of last or favorite ship / aircraft / maintance company QSA 1 .. 5, strength of receive signal QRK 1 .. 5, readability and additionally a tr, msg and/or a qtc if you like– Silence Periods: need no longer be observed– Deadline for submission of MRD logs is 1st of May.– Certificate of participation ( CoP): SWL’s – send a complete log to be able to verify qso data by selection. Licenced operators – send a postcard / letter or e-mail with number of QSOs with – ship stations – coast stations – special stations – other Amateurs contacted. Send your application with data and your email address to : Rolf Marschner Narzissenweg 10 53359 Rheinbach Germany or via e-mail: dl9cm@t-online.de Certificate is only available via e-mail!– QSL cards: Each participant manages their own QSL cards. There is no QSL manager.– General Comment: Coastal radios and ship’s callsigns should be operated only by former Commercial or Navy operators and from radio technicians who worked in the brand of installation and in the maintenance of coastal and ship’s radios equipments and antennas.“Procedure” Example QSO :cq mrd cq mrd cq mrd de dl9cm dl9cm dl9cm kdl9cm de ik6ijf gm rolf QSA5 QRK 5 hr is alfredo shipname/icjr or last ship was icjr kik6ijf de dl9cm gm alfredo QSA 5 QRK 5 op rolf shipname/dlcm or last ship was dlcm ik6ijf de dl9cm tnx 73 .-.- or put details in a telegram like this : Origin nr xx ck zz date time = address = qsa x qrk y shipname call = signature+ or similar. The above are only examples . You may send different content, but the least you must include are QSA, name, ship’s call sign or progressive number if you are only amateur! To subscribe free your partecipation at the next Martime Radio Day send an e-mail to R/O Rolf MARSCHNER: dl9cm@t-online.de or automatically subscription is possible and preferred on the following website: http://www.mrd.seefunker.eu/mrd_registry.php Список участников MRD-Teilnehmerliste_2020_11_04.pdf Schevenigen radio/PCH: 73! ut4ubz и UR5FEO 2 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
UR5FEO Опубликовано 12 апреля, 2020 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 12 апреля, 2020 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
UR5FIL Опубликовано 12 апреля, 2020 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 12 апреля, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va7XDa2zoLE UR5FEO и UY0FF 2 Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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