News Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2019 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2019 Dear regular SAC-participant Please welcome to SAC CW next week and SSB some weeks later: CW 21-22 September and SSB 12-13 October. Our beloved SAC is 60 years old, and for this anniversary we offer special dipolomas: Bronze - to those whose first SAC was 1980-1989 Silver - to those whose first SAC was 1970-1979 Gold - to those whose first SAC was 1960-1969 Platina - to those who were in first SAC 1959 To get this you only need to report your first SAC-year when uploading your log. Each part of this "Polar Battle" gathers 1000+ contesters from all around the world. As the Nordic hams enter their radio huts en masse, SAC offers non-scandinavians a unique opportunity to work the propagationally challenged Arctic nations and practice your skills. * Rules: * Results booklet from SAC 2018 * Sponsored plaques (geographical, special skills, etc.): * Learn about propagation to Scandinavia: * Announce your activity and challenge your friends: PLEASE be kind to forward this info to mailing list or other internet media of your contest club, national league or other contest-oriented group. 73 & CU! SM5AJV, OH6EI, OZ2I, LB8DC SAC Contest Committee (sent by OH6EI) Читать дальше Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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