News Опубликовано 15 мая, 2018 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 мая, 2018 Dear fellow contesters,We would like to invite your club members to join the Baltic Contest 2018 – the biggest HF contest in the Baltic States.It starts on 19th May, 2018 from 2100 UTC till 0200 UTC on 80 m band. You can find the general rules on calls will be on air: LY54BC – 54th Baltic Contest; LY100BC – 100 years of restored state of Lithuania.Every competitor, who will make 100 QSOs with LY stations, will participate in a special lottery. The winner will receive a plaque in remembrance of 100 years of restored state of Lithuania.Thank you very much for spreading this info among your club members.73!Mindis LY4LЧитать дальше Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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